HB Factory Replica Hublot Big Bang Rose Gold Watch Review

HB factory is a relatively unknown watch manufacturer in the replica watch market. With the closure of V6 factory, smaller factories like HB have emerged to fill the gap left by the well-known manufacturers. While V6 was popular for producing Hublot replicas in the past, HB factory has now taken its place. The specific details about HB factory and its reputation are limited, as it is not as widely recognized as V6. However, it is worth noting that the quality of HB factory’s Hublot replicas may not be on par with those previously produced by V6. It is important for buyers to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making a purchase.

The Hublot Big Bang replica watch showcases an appealing design with a rose gold case and a white rubber band, creating a striking visual contrast. The case and bezel exhibit a lustrous rose gold tone, while the distinctive H-shaped screws, characteristic of Hublot, are made of stainless steel. The watch features a transparent sapphire crystal back, allowing for a view of the movement inside. The movement utilized is an Asia 7750 chronograph, a basic Chinese chronograph movement. Notably, HB factory has not added an additional plate on top, resulting in the absence of the “HUB4100” engraving. However, the automatic rotor is embellished with decorative elements.

This Hublot replica features a cream dial with three small dials. The subdial at 9 o’clock displays the small seconds, while the subdials at 3 o’clock and 6 o’clock are used for minute-chronograph and hour-chronograph displays, respectively. The central red hand is eye-catching, and it functions properly when the buttons are pushed. In summary, this replica watch offers all the same functions as the genuine Hublot timepiece.

The white rubber band on this watch is what I find most appealing. Previously, I believed that a black rubber strap was the ideal match for a rose gold Hublot. However, the white rubber band fitted on this replica Hublot gives it a feminine touch, making it a highly suitable timepiece for women.

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